Let You All See This Picture First
I just received this email from my 16-year-old nephew today. Haha..super happy to hear from him.
Warning: this post if full of negative aura. Avoid it if you can't take it.
20th March 2007 (Tues)
Finishlah u all...this entry is long. It might be dreadful to continue reading and for your computer to continue processing this page (cause of the number of pictures)...
Ok..enough crap..
So many events to write about but I was too lazy to pen. Haha. But the thanks to people who motivated me in the cbox, I am gonna blog about the important events. It’s going to be long. I feel so sorry for you all to go through such long entry (sad face) =(
Lets begin..
It was Jason Ng’s (JPA scholar from Kluang) birthday. We had dim sum in Imperial for the first time. Better than the ones served in Ursula, as I expected =D Pay $15 per person and eat all you can eat. Pretty worth it, isn’t it?
I baked it cake together with Safuraa. Thanks for guiding me, Adik =D
10th March 2007
Skyfire 2007- one of the most happening events in
11th March 2007- Sze Huey’s Bday
Wah this one..we put in so much effort into it but it was all worth it. The main people behind this celebration were Sher Reen, Su Yin, Safuraa, Rhian, Betsy(Sze Huey’s housemate), and myself =p
We surprised her at 12am in her room and she didn’t look that surprised. We were shocked ourselves when Betsy told us that she slept before we came. Tan Sze Huey doesn’t normally sleep that early.
“Hm…, she must’ve known that we were planning something and purposely wanna make it hard for us.”
Anyway, how can birthday gal sleep so early, right? Hence, we decided to proceed with the plan anyway. We switched off the light and knock on the door. She opened it and we sang birthday song for her. But as I said she wasn’t that surprised……yet.
The next day..hehe..well, you see, another purpose of celebrating her birthday at 12am was so that she didn’t suspect anything anymore the next day. Sze Huey was suppose to have potluck with Sher Reen, Rhian, Su Yin, and Betsy. However, we secretly invited other friends to hide in Su Yin’s toilets(the potluck was held in Su Yin’s apartment). When she arrived, Su Yin shouted the key word “Shit” and we all came out of the toilet.
Sze Huey’s eyes was as big as a goldfish’s. “Ah………………”
Haha..so happy that we got her. It was also a good way of gathering people and catching up with each other. The main menu was the curry noodles which was my suggestion btw…haha. But the credit goes to Safuraa who was the main chef together with Sherry and Thuaibah. Sher Reen did the Cekodok (Sze Huey’s favourite) with Erizianna. As for me….em….i cut fruits =p
Good celebration. Everyone was happy =D
13th March 2007- Daryl’s Bday
He’s a FAMA scholar from Melaka. We asked Chern (A Malaysian senior) to knock on his door and told him that he had an emergency call from
17th March 2007 – Picnic Day
A picnic was organized by MSO (Malaysian Student Organisation) today. The committee needed to cook for about 200 over people and they certainly needed a helping hand as well from the first years. It was really good to see so many of the first years willing to help out even at odd hours (like 5am). Proud of you all =D I helped them last night from 6pm and reached back my room at about 2.30am. Woke up 1 ½ hours later at 4am and helped them cook at 5am. Gosh it was taxing. Everyone was tired I’m sure. It was just that many managed to cover up well. I thought I did but apparently, I didn’t.
“Yeam, you better go and get some sleep. You look like you’re going to pass out anytime soon.”
I wanted to but if I sleep for too long, I thought that it would be unfair to the rest that I go to sleep while they were busy cooking.
“Well, we have enough people to help out d. So you can take a rest first. I’m serious. I’ll wake you up once we’re about to leave.”
Hence, I went to the sofa and felt into a deep deep sleep. The good thing was I managed to wake up and help them set up the picnic place later on. And the picnic went on fine. The people like the food and we enjoyed ourselves. What more could we ask for?
I even had a short meeting with the first years after the picnic for the first time. Felt pretty nervous and stammered a bit here and there but I at least got to convey my message across. Happy….
Had a nice sleep after the picnic and ended up missing dinner cause I woke up at 8 something. Dinner time ended at 6.30pm. Sze Huey kindly offered to fried rice or cook noodle for me but I was too lazy to walk all the way to Unilodge. But thanks a lot Sze Huey. Someday I’ll taste your cooking, especially curry noodles, cekodok, and mihun kuey =p
The Committee. All of them wore the black MSO t-shirt except for Firdaus and myself. Not sure why Firdaus didn't put his on but I didn't because I don't have one, yet.
Alright that’s about it. Congratulations if you’ve managed to persist so far. And of course, thank you too =D Monday is gonna be a holiday cause it’s Canberra Day and thanks to that, I earned an extra day to settle my Math assignment. Catch you all next time. See u.
7th March 2007 (Wed)
I almost lost my $100 when depositing it into the ATM machine. I didn’t know that I was required to put the money in an envelope before depositing it. Hence, I forced the money into the machine just to realize that it didn’t accept my money because of the aforementioned reason. I then pulled the money put but one piece of $100 fell into the ATM.
I didn’t approach any bank officers about it as the queue was long. My lecture was about to begin. Therefore, I only went back after lunch and was delighted to find out that they found my $100 in their ATM. They even taught me the correct way of depositing cash via ATM. Gosh, how thankful I was that my prayer was answered. Imagine losing RM 280 just like that if there wasn’t any happy ending.
After that, I met a friend whom I’ve wanted to meet since the last few days. Just had a short conversation but it was enough to convince me that my day has indeed changed for the better.
9th March 2007 (Fri)
Despite all these, my belief in God stays firm. I may not be that pious and follow all the customs but I’ve never doubt what God can do especially if you believe in Him.
So, say a little prayer. It may or may not come true but take it as a test. And sometime, you must help God to help you =D
Thanks for reading!