Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Keanu Maybe?

The threat human poses to environment is real, everyone knows that. Perhaps it’s due to this exact reason that many of us do not even bother doing anything about it anymore. Strong advocators of environmental issues are deemed as nagging individuals who has nothing better to worry about (chiak pa boh su cho, sek pau tang si oh).

We owe it to our future generations for not being able to think on their behalf, for letting them reap what we sow. Development has always been occurring with the expense of the environment. The balancing point is a grey area that is forever up for debate. In a matter of decades, the next generation will face the horrible consequences of our selfish actions.

Just today, a Star article “Conserve water from now, Klang Valley folk warned” caught my eye. The first sentence goes, “Water rationing could start next month for Klang Valley residents if they do not conserve water from now”. Typical Malaysians would’ve had their jaws dropped at this point till they glance through, “At the moment, the water levels at most dams in the country have not reached the critical mark.” With a sigh of relief, it’s business as usual for them from then onwards.

Drainage and Irrigation Department Hydrology and Water Resources Director (longest title ever), Datuk Lim Chow Hock advises Malaysians to, “water your garden less frequently, do not let water run when you are brushing your teeth, use pails instead of a hose when washing your car.” While all those are sound advices, I can’t help but to wonder if he actually practices that himself or is he just saying it because he’s the director of (the longest name).

Our lists of priorities are growing day by day so much so that ‘taking care of the environment’ is never anywhere near the top. It takes a lot of effort and commitment for someone to be environmental friendly. For firms, it also involves money and typically, ‘being environmental friendly’ means increasing cost and shrinking profits. I guess it’s fair for us to assume that environmental-friendly policies are one of the last things they’ll accept with open arms.

Of course, there’re lots of responsible companies and individuals, fighting for the betterment of mother nature and I’m proud of them. I see lots of shoppers in Supabarn using green bags, MASCA NSW introducing a refreshing “We Are Going Green, So Can You!” concept, Bruce Hall initiating a four-minute shower effort, Shell finding a way to safely store CO2 underground, Honda producing hydrogen-driven cars, Readers Digest printing a blue issue specially devoted to water matters, Times publishing a list of food that requires lots of energy of produce, etc. Whether or not they’re doing it for the sake of good image, I choose to be optimistic. I pray that we won’t be outnumbered by profit-driven companies and short-sighted individuals who may ultimately offset these noble efforts.

It never stopped occurring in my mind that we need a Keavu Reeves to come down to earth and threaten humans, ending our fragile existence on the poor Earth. By that time though, it may have been too late.

Saturday, June 06, 2009


Doing gardening with Bruce Green has been an eye-opening experience. Cleaning the Green House, planting onions and baby carrots, setting up the irrigation system and touching dirt again reminds me so much of Kemahiran Hidup. Here are some interesting things I saw:-

ANU's organic garden

A cool garden car

A compost bin made to breed worms

Another version of scarecrow (note the marble eyes)

I even ate a flower

But I guess one of the best thing is the range of people I'm mixing with.

This is a new German friend of mine holding a pumpkin partially eaten by a mouse. Today's probably the last time I'll be seeing him since he's on exchange for this semester only.

I've also befriended my very first Mexican friend and had a shock when he pronnounced his country as meh-hee-ko instead of max-see-ko. Last Monday, when Jun Sang said meh-hee-ko and made the whole class laugh, I thought he was merely making fun of the country. Now I know it's actually the local way of pronouncing it.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Hit Hard By A Change

This is something you'll usually ignore in lecture, thinking that it's just another policy a hopeful candidate is trying to put forward in an upcoming election to fish for votes.

However, when you stare at this bad news for a couple of seconds and realise that it is actually for real this time and there's nothing you can do about it, it feels awful.

I guess that's how a firm will feel should its investments turn obsolete someday.

Btw, an important announcement that ANU students must read,