When you are wondering if your children are coming back for meals, I get it.
When you are wondering if you should cook the vege now cause it may be cold already by the time your children get back but this is the only time you are free, I get it.
When you are wondering how much of your advice will actually make it to their brain, I get it.
When you feel like lending your brain to your children, just so they know what you meant by 'consequences', I get it.
When you are helplessly looking at your children going down the wrong path, I get it.
When you feel that there's a need to explain yourself but you're too tired to, I get it.
When you feel that your children are wasting their time doing nothing because by comparison, you are using your time more efficiently, I get it.
When you are wondering why your children can never get things done without you asking them to ie. nagging, I get it.
When you are upset that your children did not inform you where they went especially at night, I get it.
When you feel bad for scolding your children, making them think that you are furious and afraid of you when you are not actually that angry, you were just caring for them, I get it.
When you see your children spending money like nobody's business while you work so hard to earn a living, I get it.
When you wish you could just sleep a little longer but you can't, for your children's sake, I get it.
When you wonder why your children can never eat healthily on their own initiative, I get it.
When you feel like you are racing against time to drive your children to school (or anywhere else), sacrificing your leisure or work, I get it.
When you are upset that your children did not eat your cooking, I get it.