Sunday, February 18, 2007


18th Feb 2007 (Sun)

Greetings everyone. For those who visited my blog yesterday till now, you'd probably be wondering why I posted an entry full of pictures without descriptions. Well I wanted to, but the wireless connection suddenly has a problem. So I can only do it now.

Malaysian scholars had a picnic on CNY, thanks for the organizer, Eriziana and Zaza. Afiq and his team should be given credit as well for cooking such delicious spaghetti.

Feeding the geese

Everyone contributed $5

The group picture. Some did not turn up due to their respective reasons. Safuraa was down with flu while Sze Huey and Sher Reen were in Sdyney.

Jason and Maha were initially joking around.

Suddenly, an arguement was heated up.

Then, ahem, somehow I got involved =p

Haha..didn't manage to post on time. Funny picture but I like it.

Everyone was prepared but this picture was over-exposed

Maha, Kai Xun, and Asma Hadi

All in all, a good outing.

On 19th Feb 2007, lectures have finally begun. My second lecture(Math) was boring.

But it's alright. My aim is to at least go through the notes before lectures so that I can absorb more during lectures.

I'll be having a diagnostic test for Math this Thus. Have not touched Math for two and a half months. The good thing is students can assess pass years diagnostic exam from ANU website. So cool right...

Okay lah..That's all for now. Thanks for reading =D Tata


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! what a quick post. guess you guys really had a great time picnicking.. baguslah.

Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 3:21:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger syyeam said...


wasted u can't make it..take care and get well soon =D

Monday, February 19, 2007 at 5:52:00 PM GMT+8  

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