Wednesday, October 22, 2008


When this happens in movies, I don't usually feel a thing since it's such a common scene.

But today, as I was crossing the road, I adjusted some papers in my file without realising that some of my papers slipped out of it. Within two seconds, my lecture notes and tutorial materials were flying vigorously in the air thanks to the unusually strong wind. With the help of some kind passerbys, I recovered some of them but the rest landed on Northbourne Avenue and disappeared almost instantly.

I stood beside the traffic light...frustrated...wanted to vent but didn't wanna look stupid at the side of Canberra's main road. In anger, I crushed some of my notes...blaming my carelessness...cursing the wind (although it's not the wind's fault)


Blogger LiNg WeNg said...

aww~ cheer up, yeam!!!! i've never seen you without a smile... so S-M-I-LE!!!!! =)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 6:20:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger syyeam said...

thanks, ling weng =)
surprisingly got over it pretty quickly!

Monday, October 27, 2008 at 12:19:00 PM GMT+8  

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