Friday, January 23, 2009

Newpaper Letters

Newspaper letters are always interesting to read since it's one of the sections in which readers get to express their views in a level of English that's easier to be understood.

This sms is hilarious! I have to agree that banning concerts is a very conservative move by PAS. It's as if our youngsters are that easily influenced and doesn't have a mind of their own. And if boycotting US's goods and services is the reason, this move will never ever solve the current Gaza crisis.

This's not a reader's letter but I simply wanna highlight it because that's my primary at the background =)

3 days ago, Wei Liang made his voice heard when his Proton article was published. I'm sure this is not his first article on paper, isn't it Wei Liang? =p

Five years back, I was quite enthusiastic about seeing my name on papers so I tried and succeeded twice. The editors usually reduce the length of your letter by half and change the title of our article. Well, it's understandable.


Blogger LiNg WeNg said...

when i saw the news bout rihanna's concert, my response was like WTH????

Friday, January 23, 2009 at 1:17:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger calvin said...

I feel so much at home after seeing this entry. Recognised the primary school instantly =)

And yeah, I used to write to local newspapers and I saw my name there once. Another time was when my tiger drawing (NIE project back in '98 or '99? not very sure though) was published at NSTP lol xD

Friday, January 23, 2009 at 1:53:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wrote to the star after i got out of NS to publicly criticise the flaws.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 11:39:00 PM GMT+8  

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