Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Most Special Tag

..customized by Khirul

If I could vote for the US Presidential Election (Nov 4th 2008)...
I'll pay more attention to news.

My favorite drink is..
filtered water, Brita brand.

Ideally, my life after graduation..
win a lottery, set up a company selling ikea-like products made of recycled materials and start kicking in some awareness regarding the environment to Malaysians

But realistically..
I'll be busy choosing the right department in Central Bank.

The color of my..
life is rainbow

If I weren't in college..
my parents would've disowned me by now

When men reach their hands down to 'fix the parking'..
hey khi, what does 'fix the parking' means?.

But when women fix their bras..
I'd be wondering why they do it in public.

I go to the gym..
if there's one below where I live.

The most disturbing movie I've seen is..
28 weeks later. Go watch it! It's lovely!

With a dollar..
I'll check if it has a special design at the back

With 10 dollars..
I'll grab the roast chicken from Supabarn.

Girls open their mouths when they apply mascara because..
it isn't what they imagined.


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