Sunday, March 23, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. I follow my mum to the morning market pretty often when I was young. Whenever she complains about how expensive things were back then, I would go, “Mum, why can’t all the sellers low down the price to 1 cent? If I were one of them, I’ll sell all my stuffs to you for 1 cent each” =)

2. Have you ever told yourself (when you were a little kid), “I’ll never be like him!” whenever there’s a TVB drama character who for instance, loses his temper against his partner, spends too much time working (even bring work home with him) and neglects the people who cares deeply for him, makes promises which he later fails to keep because of numerous reason and end up disappointing those who are important to him, etc.. And the next thing you know, you’ve turned into him. You ARE the person whom you promised your-young-self, you won’t be!

It’s scary…..

It’s so true sometimes how movies and dramas depict people’s predicament. People make promises, hoping that they can fulfill them in the future. But circumstances change.. beyond your control…you’ve got no choice but to compromise your loved ones at times. Understanding people make life a lot easier for you during these situations but how many times can you get away with things? How many of them actually do understand?

You might be asked, “Why can’t your family comes first this time?” Putting yourself into another person’s shoes is so important and yet, an action so easily forgotten.


Blogger Shin Sar said...

You've grown up, my brother ;)
Welcome to the adulthood. You'll be turning 21 soon :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 10:17:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger syyeam said...

Haha...this is more like 'An Intro to a Family Life (ie life so so full of commitments)"

Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 11:55:00 AM GMT+8  

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